Music Video Choice 1- Moby –Natural Blues.
Performers- I was thinking of having a young most likely under 15 year old male or female to perform as a child in care for my video.
Costume- The costume for my video would be everyday clothing, nothing-particularly fashionable or particularly un- fashionable just like a normal child.
Locations- I would like to film my music video initially in and around my house, and in its surrounding areas like a local park, and the street.
Narrative Idea- For my video, and as it is about a subject that some people aren’t really aware of or do not know much about, throughout my video I intend to have narrative words, short statements and sentences explaining the life of a child in care.
Editing styles- For editing styles for my video, I wanted to show contrast of different children life’s, by including a split screen of the Childs real life, and what the child would love their life to be, or I might show a completely different child, that could be seen as a pier.
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