Tuesday, 21 September 2010

Developed Music Viedo Proposal.

The music track I have decided to do my music video on is Moby- Natural blues, My music video will be narrated by text at the bottom of the screen with facts and statistics about the care system, whilst the video tells the story of one child in care.


The camera would follow the main character showing his story of being in care, the film would start with the main character standing still in an isolated area, and when the song begins and a series of opening statistics/facts will show at the bottom of the screen whilst a close up of the actor is the shot.

At 18 seconds in when a beat comes into the song the main character will begin to mime the lyrics of the song, I got this idea from the music video Temper Trap-Love lost, it presents children miming the lyrics to a song. I liked the feel that it produced and it made the song feel like it was something important and related to the child, this is why I want to use this technique in parts of my music video.


This is when the character will begin cloning and walking around in different directions this will last for 18 seconds whilst more stats and facts appear on the bottom of the screen, these are there to inform the watcher of what the actor is part of, and to set the scene, allowing them to imagine what they have gone through, which I will be reflecting through the film.  The inspiration for me to use the cloning idea came from the Justin Timberlake- Rock your body video, I like how it creates a confusion and I just generally like the effect that it creates.


The film will then continue to a different scene which will be filmed as a following shot , following the character through different situations such as why he is in care, showing a bad family situation in a variety of different camera angles, close up reaction shots of the child, then meeting the social worker, then turning up at a foster home, I wanted to use a zido shot at this point in my video to present the panic. I want to present the overwhelming feelings that a child would feel in this sort of situation. I would do this by using reaction shots and a quick switch from different camera angles to create a feeling of panic and bewilderment.

Zido examples


One of the scenes in my film, will be where my actor is in a room with arguments this is where I will use the technique of the argument going fast while the boy just stand there still.  I have seen this technique in Alanis Morissette-Thank You.


Throughout this whole thing I will have a variety of different facts and stats coming up.

At 2.07 mins into the song the tempo and tune slightly changes in the track, I plan to use this part of the song to begin a positive story to the video, of how the child has accepted the change, and is now helping it to work, and how well he is doing. I wanted to show the contrast of this through a split screen. I would show the boys new life and good, postive things, and then show his previous life.

Inspiration for Split screen.

Stromae - Alors On Danse  

I intend to end the video, in the same place as I started it, in the same way. But with the actor smiling as the music stops.

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