Saturday, 19 March 2011

My inspiration

I was inspired to do a film that had a strong storyline and message about fostering, and children in care because I and my family have been foster carers for 6 years. I have grown up around these sort of children and have lived with lot's of different children with different disabilities. Before I started fostering I had no idea about the sort of thing that fostering intailed or anything about the children that were in the care system. I have learnt so much from fostering children, and I feel that it is important for other kids that live with their families and have happy lives to understand and be aware of the way things are for other children, that maybe don't have a loving home or a loving family.

The little boy in my music video is called Elias, he has been living with my family for the past 5 years, and I feel so proud of him and my family and everything that we have achieved together that I wanted to base my video around it.

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