Sunday, 10 October 2010

Still Images of Animatic Storyboard.

These are still images of my Animatic Storyboard, when creating this, initially I felt the task to be very big, and because I wasn't exactly sure of everything I had proposed for my music video, I felt under pressure to decide and sort out what I was doing. However I feel that this task was good for me, and allowed to picture my ideas to more of an extent, and to also get straight in my head what I wanted my music video to look like.

This is an image of my timeline, that I Printed from Premiere Pro to aid me when completing my post notes, I had imported my music track into the timeline on Premiere Pro, and then stretched it out, so that I was able to write exactly what I wanted to do at each second in the music, track. It continues to the back page (below).This helped me a lot, and also added to the feeling that I had planned every little bit of my music video.

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