Friday, 12 November 2010

Diary Account of filming days.

October 30th 2010

This was my first day of filming, and i thought that I had planned my shots, and filming in a very detailed fashion, however I did not anticipate how much work and effort would need to be put into the filming, and how draining it can be when things start to go wrong.

In my film I used my foster brother Elias, this made it easier for me than some of my classmates, as I did not have to rely on people outside my household, which I feel saved me a lot of organisation problems, and made my actor easily accessible and easy to work around.

When I began filming I started in order of my storyboard which was the beginning of my film, I used the green outside my house, which I felt created an appropriate scene, and helped me to create the isolated area I wanted to portray in my music video. I had planned for my actor to mime the first few lyrics the music, however when I started to film, it was very hard work to keep the 11 year old boy interested, and I then realised that I should have introduced him to the song that he wasn't familiar with a lot earlier, and given him time to learn the lyrics, and understand the speed of the song. So therefore I had to bring my laptop out to the green and play the song whilst he sang a long to it. This however did not work too well, and it was difficult to hear the song over the loud environment with cars going past and bad weather. So I then had to sing the lyrics along with my actor, and I felt reasonably pleased with the footage that I had captured. I was impressed at how well my foster brother acted for me in the video, he took it very seriously, and although he did lose interest a couple of times, he did work well with me.

Furthermore, the other scenes went reasonably smoothy, apart from not having a tripod at access, it was very tiring at time holding the heavy camera, and trying to capture a steady shot. I found it difficult to do the range of shots I wanted to create without having a tripod.

October 31 2010

The second day of filming, was easier in some ways, as I had at least a little experience in working the camera, and I had planned what I need to do. However when I started to film I started to realise that some of my scenes were not realistic to what I could create, and therefore I had to think of how I could adapt my scenes and story to ensure that I was capable of creating something I was happy with. After taking a break I started to recreate the scenes on my storyboard that I was not happy with, and went back on the green and filmed my new scenes, I was reasonably happy with what I had changed my story too, but learnt that when planning I should have considered every little detail to a deeper extent.

6th November 2010

After going into school, I looked at my footage and realised that some of my shots were not steady, and that the cloning I had tried to create definitely needed a tripod to be effective. Therefore I took the cameras out again, with a tripod and did my cloning scenes again. This went well, and I was satisfied with the scenes I got. I also redid some of the unsteady scenes and the myming ones again as now my foster brother was more familiar with the lyrics in the song and the speed.

Overall I think my filming went quite well, I did come across some problems, but I learnt that planning is essential to make the filming day run smoothly.